Snitching and Erosion of American Justice, the remarkable book by Alexander Natapoff gives in details the problems caused by snitching in our system of justice. Natapoff shows how this problem is systemic and extra-systemic: how its ill-effects go beyond our legal system which it continuously erodes.

This blog is about the systematic solution to this problem by discussing the special case of "Venice GITMO" as it has developed. This is a problem "caused' by snitching, developed from snitching and became not just a local issue but a national and international issue.

In starting this blog, I hope to give Dr. Natapoff, real, concrete descriptions that she may use in her great work. She is to be commended for her great courage and integrity to take on one of the greatest challenges in our justice system.

I think the technical tool relevant to her work is: the theory of "viable systems". Initially the language of Dynamical Systems would be sufficient for macro descriptions.

It is clear that our system of justice will become increasingly less 'viable' over time to a point where reform is inevitable, vital for its continuance.

Her book is highly intelligent, competent description and analysis of: "real" horror stories of "real people".

Dr. Farogh Dovlatshahi (victim)

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